Sunday 30 November 2014

Best of 2014

Thanks to Sandy over the splendid The Killchain Blog for doing a best demo's of 2014 feature as I wasn't really aware we were getting to that time of year already

In terms of major label releases, I think it's been a shocking year, with very few new albums actually interesting me at all. And most of the bands I do like that have released albums that have been well below par.

As we head towards the ass-end of 2014, there are a few goodies at last seeing the light of day, including the new Primordial, Dani Filth's Devilment is an excellent listen, as is The German Panzer debut.

But album of the year for me is, by a mile, is Grand Magus - Triumph And Power

So heading back to the underground, here are by favourite listens of the year

Song of the Year:
Nefarious Dusk - God Is Dead

Releases of the year, in alphabetical order

Arcane North - Enter the Arcane North

Carnivorous Forest - Genital Mutilation in the Name of God

Chiral - Abisso

Hypertension - Distant Thunders Call

Korrigans - Ferocior Ad Rebellandum

Ophidian Coil - Promo 2014

Satariel - White Ink Chapter One

Tyrant’s Kall - Dagon

Unfolded - Demo 2014

Wreodan Healh - Læcig

I've deliberately not chosen any of my own releases, as that may be a bit biased
so I'd like to given special mention to two of the compilations I've released this year

I still think Helvete: Confederacy of Hatred, in terms of overall quality, is the best compilation I've done

And the UK scene is looking very healthy, and you can judge for yourself with Deep Underground: United Kingdom

Sixsixsix Music

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