Tuesday 28 October 2014

Deep Underground UK - Nordenglander


There’s a lot of beautiful music mixed up with the harsher Black Metal tones of your music. Where do your various influences come from? And is nature a big influence, as well as other bands?
Band wise my influences mainly come from the likes of early Emperor, Drudkh, Graveland,  Bilskirnir & that sort of thing, I'm obviously a fan of the one man metal project too but I also listen to a lot of instrumental music, I'm a huge fan of the likes of Buckethead, Vai, Satriani etc. The nature aspect is a big influence on me too, living in a small town I'm surrounded by acres of moorland & countryside, so i's kind of impossible for me to overlook it's beauty & not notice it. 

Like me, you’ve had a run in with the Russian sites that exploit bands and labels by stealing their music. How frustrating is this as musician when a group of selfish individuals (potentially) ruin all the hard work you put into creating music.
Yeah, I just couldn't understand why they would steal something I was giving away for free (????) . I feel for us underground acts it is a shame that people feel the need to do this as we've put heart & soul, and often our own money into these releases only to have it uploaded to illegal sites where we receive nothing in return, in my opinion it's like tape trading without the actual trading.

As a one man band, you can’t really function without the internet these days. Apart from the bootlegging, what are the positives and negatives of the internet for you?
Ah, the glorious internet, you either love it of hate it. It has it's purposes & it has it's downfalls, I suppose it's best use is the fact you can spread things far & wide quickly.

Are you obsessive about what you create? I can imagine someone in your position can change something 50 times before they are happy with the finished product.
Yes, very. It comes to the point where a lot of ideas get scrapped, a lot of unfinished material, simply because I can't or haven't the knowledge to cover all bases needed which can get quite frustrating. I'm a guitarist , not a drummer or keyboardist, so the writing & production process becomes very long & laborious indeed, I haven't any formula as such it's more when it comes it comes, one bit at a time.

I’ve seen you advertising for musicians in the past, is Nordenglander going to evolve into a full band one day?
I'd like to take the act to the stage if possible, not sure if the same material would get played live though, I think there's too many layers & instruments going on all at once, so maybe a stripped back version without the synths would work, I think I/we would have to work on material for a full live set.

What’s next for Nordenglander?
I'm currently on with recording my third release, which should hopefully be finished & out there very soon, it has more of a concept to it than previous work, kind of a tale put to music. It will be distributed by both myself & Senseless Life .

Deep Underground United Kingdom is available for just £2 from Bandcamp

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