Tuesday 21 October 2014

BOTW - Slaughter Throne

Band of the Week - Slaughter Throne

Slaughter Throne are a relatively new bands from Leeds in the North of England. They only came into existence at the back end of 2013 and they're already hitting their local gig circuit. They'll be aiming for pastures new next year, with a slot at the Eradication Festival in Cardiff already confirmed.

They've showcased their pulverising brand of Blackened Death on their debut EP, Wrath Of An Ancient Darkness, which is available from Bandcamp for a very reasonable £2

And 2015 could see the band release their debut album as they are currently looking for a suitable label. And I'm sure an increased presence in the live environment will also be in place.

Let's hope they can build upon a very good 1st year and can make some progression in the murky depths of the underground


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