Saturday 11 October 2014

BOTW - Hypertension

Part of me is just a tad angry at some, make that a lot, of the apathy shown in the scene towards up and coming bands. People need to start paying for music again, even if it's just a couple of £'s, $'s or Euro's a month.

No-one has a problem paying for a can of energy drink, a few beers or a burger, but buying a cd, tape, download or vinyl, then all of a sudden everyone is broke.

So, in conjunction with my soon to be unleashed magazine Metal Legions, what started out as a joke, because I could make a rude word from an acronym, is now a campaign to get good quality underground bands some recognition, and hopefully a few sales along the way.

Every weekend, both here on my blog and on the Metal Legions Facebook group there will be a new Band Of The Week. I'm starting off with a Swedish band who I've been blasting out all week.


Hypertension are a raucous trio from Östersund in Sweden. If you want to pigeon-hole them, they're a Speed/Thrash Metal band, but I think of them as an infinitely more listenable Speed Metal version of Venom. Admittedly, most of my theory is based upon Henrik Låsgårdh's vocal style, which is reminiscent, to me at least, of Venom's Cronos (but a lot more melodic). But Hypertension have captured the spirit of the 80s perfectly and I've been mightily impressed with both of their albums.

Both of their releases have been released on tape, with last years Primeval Tyrants Prevails also getting released on cd. New opus Distant Thunders Call is still available on tape with a cd also in the pipeline.

Visit the band on Facebook : or via their Bandcamp page:

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