Sunday 31 August 2014


Fuck me, the Central and South American update went down a storm. This has been the best week the blog has ever had, so many thanks to all the visitors.

Just a couple of updates from the last feature.
Maleficia have a new video that you can see on YouTube 

And Nocturnal Sacrifice will be releasing their demo via Cold Raw Records very soon

1st up there’s a couple of reviews and then a couple of links to some new tracks

After that, it’s a quick rundown of all the bands on my new compilation, Helvete : Confederacy of Hatred, which is out on September 1st via Bandcamp

Cepheide are a French band and they’ve been around for about a year now. De Silence Et De Suie is their first demo.

The core of their sound, thanks to the vocals, is Black Metal. Musically, they’re quite atmospheric and I can only describe them as urgent sounding shoegaze. By that I mean, if you slowed down their sound, it would be a depressive, yet melancholic, listen. But speed it up, and it’s a different ball game. Like a constant wave of guitars washing over you, some of which are put through an Industrial sounding effects box.

The 4 tracks clock in at around the 30 minute mark and this is truly epic stuff.
As a lover of French red wine, I can only commend them on their music as well.

Très bon art noir (in my terrible French accent)

Altar Blood
I was badgered into listening to this demo by a writer of another blog (The Killchain) and I’m so glad that Sandy, said writer, kept on at me until I played this.

After an overlong intro, this beast rumbles into life with the 8 minute epic, Blasphemous Insemination. Deep guttural vocals play over the top of slower passages and then quicker sections. A simple blueprint that covers, Death, Doom and just a hint of Black Metal. So whatever form of Extreme Metal moves you, there’s enough here to keep most people interested, as long as you don’t mind the Deathly growls.

Highlight for me is Christ Betrayed, which springs into life from the off and just slays for the duration of the song, bar the groovier bit at the end. It’s also the most Blackened tune of the four on offer.

This is definitely one of my favourite new bands coming out of the US right now.

Nocturnum Peractorum
This is a new project from Canada and the music is Atmospheric/Depressive Black Metal

Phil Campbell's All Starr Band - Children Of The Grave
No words are needed apart from “this fucking rocks”

Helvete : Confederacy of Hatred (Black Metal Compilation)

I love a good comp and I’ve done a few in my time. This one is by far the best, in terms of consistency, that I’ve done. I’m really pleased with the quality of the bands.

All of the bands on this compilation are either unsigned, or are on small (very independent) labels. So please give them some support and check at least a couple of them out.

1.       Ophidian Coil - Manifestum Mortis
2.       Capgrass - Disruption Of The Deepest Dreams
3.       Krajiny Hmly - Hlbiny Spánku Zabudnutia
4.       Solar Deity - Circling The Moon
5.       Nox Aeternum - In the Midst of Scarlet Pathways
6.       Skiddaw - Even Titans Fall
7.       Nefarious Dusk - Cast Me To The Lions
8.       Paimonia - Ruined Form Catharsis
9.       Penumbra - Ritual Genocide
10.   Sercati - Hound from Hell
11.   Baalberith - Battle For The Blazing Dawn
12.   Uburen - Deprived Of Empathy
13.   NyX - Tulpa Strigoi
14.   Chiral - Atto II_ Abisso
15.   Cvinger - Monastery of Fallen
16.   Corruptor Ignis - A New Dawn

Ophidian Coil (Serbia)

Capgrass (Argentina)

Krajiny Hmly (Slovakia)

Solar Deity (India)

Nox Aeternum (USA)

Skiddaw (UK)

Nefarious Dusk (UK)

Paimonia (Serbia)

Penumbra (Colombia)

Sercati (Belgium)

Baalberith (UK)

Uburen (Norway)

NyX (Italy)

Chiral (Italy)

Cvinger (Slovenia)

Corruptor Ignis (Gibraltar)

You can access the comp via Bandcamp from September 1st
There are 200 free copies available each month. After the free copies are gone, there is a nominal fee of £1… or you can wait for the free copies to kick in again the next month.

Or if you’re feeling generous, the Name Your Price option is available

This blog will now be updated 2 or 3 times a week, so I've got some very exciting news for the next update, which should be online on Wednesday

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